

分享 怕被他们发现
zmiao82 2010-11-5 15:07
怕被他们发现 埃玛一边听。一边想那个档案室。那是一个长条形的房间,   两侧摆满书架和业务档案。前 封箱机 一年,让人改装了一下这间房子,安了两个门,一个通会议厅,-个通秘书办公室。埃玛这时候急起来,显然盖伊在这里听到了生死攸关的谈话了,否则,   一个老练的秘书不会如此慌乱。这使埃玛的心里疑窦丛生,但 ...
1157 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 埃玛努力想笑一下
zmiao82 2010-11-5 15:04
埃玛努力想笑一下 "我一会儿就会好的,盖伊。"埃玛 包装机械 努力想笑一下,一股泪水涌来,埃玛急忙低下头,"我想独自一人呆一会儿,盖伊。我想好好思索一下。你能不能给我弄杯茶,过十分钟给我端来?"   "当然可以,哈特太太,如果您确实想一人呆会儿,那……"她站起身,犹豫一下之后,向门口走去。   屋里只剩下埃玛 ...
1124 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 几周前我看见他了
zmiao82 2010-11-5 15:01
几周前我看见他了 "亨利,亲爱的,见到你真高兴。"埃玛笑着打招呼,紧 儿童乐园 紧地握着亨利的胳膊。亨利报以一笑,俯下身轻吻了一下她的面颊。   "让我好好看看你,最亲爱的埃玛。"说着,头往 干燥机 后仰着,仔细端详埃玛,然后故作惊讶地说:"你一定要把你的修身养性的奥秘告诉我,宝贝儿,我真不明白,你怎么越活 ...
1156 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 声音在大厅里回荡
zmiao82 2010-11-5 14:57
声音在大厅里回荡 白天,埃玛在文山纸海中麻利地处理着各种 淘气堡 报告、预算,批阅着分红方案,签发着法律文件,偶然也感到浑身难受。然而,形势所迫,不可歇息,她硬挺着继续工作。关键是,她担心的并非日常事务,而是律师们已经签署的一大堆私人财产**契约处理不完。有时,看着宽大的写字台上,柔和的台灯下面,一堆一 ...
1052 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 一种无名的恐惧
zmiao82 2010-11-5 14:55
一种无名的恐惧  "对了,苞拉,下周末 环氧地坪 我想去佩尼斯顿,希望你跟我一起去。"当姑娘往外走时,埃玛说。   苞拉一下子停住脚步,回过头来看着姥姥。"真的!姥姥,我太高兴了!"突如其来的喜汛使她颇为兴备。"何时起程?"   "八天以后,下星期五。这事儿过一会再细谈。""好极了!"一想到要去约克 刨花板 郡转 ...
978 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 was a goddamn stroke
zmiao82 2010-11-5 14:50
was a goddamn stroke Miriam and I went back to my place with men watch similiar intentions but I made the mistake of first seeking praise for the way Id handled Fowlers questions about the blood. Yes, it was scrv good, she replica handbags said flatly. Very good? It was a goddamn stroke of geniu ...
1030 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Who do you think
zmiao82 2010-11-5 14:45
Who do you think I could live with the mens watch worlds imperfections. Doing so enabled me to comfortably ignore my own. He glanced back at the Porsche with an admiring nod. Nice. Ihat really threw replica handbags me. It was so totally unexpected. \our name is I .eo Resnick, right? I gulped wo ...
1144 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 she said briskly
zmiao82 2010-11-5 14:43
she said briskly You dont have to tell me, I mens watches replied. Why do you think I want you up here? I need someone to tell me Im nor having a nervous breakdown. There was a slight pause at watches replica the other end of the line. Do you wish you were? I dont know, I said. At the moment, Im ...
1074 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Joshuas body?
zmiao82 2010-11-5 14:39
Joshuas body? Yes, he replied. Joshua rolex watches was the given name of my host-psyche. We both shared the same vehicle. The thing you call a body. To us, its a mobile life-support system. It was really his.! just lived there. It wasnt an ideal arrangement but rolex here was no alternativ ...
999 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 You mean the longship?
zmiao82 2010-11-5 14:35
You mean the longship? The vessel that mens watches came to rescue me? Yes. Okay, he said. But first, you have to remember what I told you about word images. Because no matter how I phrase it, this story is going to end up sounding like a cross between swiss watch a movie scenario written by Ge ...
935 次阅读|0 个评论


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