related to other industry, with high concentration of industrial R&D definition of high-tech industry.The European science and technology has high index report of the economic growth and international competition ability, have bigger, the employment potential R&D input prep above the average level of all departments and aerospace industry, chemical products manufacturing, pharmaceuticals manufacturing, automobile and automobile parts manufacturing, scientific instruments Coach Outlet such as eight manufacturing technology - intensive industries or leading industry.In China, the main method is to summarize, also called enumerated types according to law, i.e. technical definition of high-tech industry. The China science and technology industry published directory includes: (1) the microelectronics science and technology (electronic information industry), 2 space science and technology, aerospace, 3 photoelectron science and technology Coach Wallets optic-mechanical integration, 4 life science and biological engineering, 5 the materials science and new materials technology, 6 energy science and new energy, high efficiency and energy saving technology, 7 ecological science and environmental protection technology, Earth science and Marine engineering) technology, 9 the basic material science and technology, ⑩ medical science and engineering; biological sciences. (11) other new techniques, new Coach technologies.From the above definition can see, high technology industry has the following characteristics: 4It is used in manufacturing technology of labor-intensive industries, the equipment and materials involving modern technology of many advanced achievements, It is the capital of labor-intensive industries, the height of scientific research expenses and equipment large investment and high value-added products, It is the knowledge intensive industry Coach Bags needs a large number of science and technology development personnel and innovative management personnel, Its products have good prospects for international and the market demand.To sum up, we think that the high technology industry by means of high-tech achievements transformation is knowledge intensive, high additional value of R&D investment, high growth speed, technological progress fast characteristics of the guiding industry.Keywords: Coach Purses "economic man" and "limited rational economic rationality" heterogeneous "economic man"Content abstract: economic assumption is the footstone of economic theory, the development of economic theory is often the first economic assumptions and rich or modified. The "economic man" and "agent" is a classical bounded rationality and neoclassical economics, economic assumptions about personality in the two hypotheses, one is "homogeneous". However "homogeneous" Coach Handbags of "economic man" is not realistic, because the person is the reality of homogeneous and heterogeneity. In the process of the development of economic theory, the "bounded rationality" heterogeneous agent hypothesis spawned many new theory. This paper WWW.LWLM.COM alliance by China collected.Spanning from Adam Smith 200 years since the start of the economic development, whether neoclassical economists, neoclassical school economists, Cheap Coach or modern each school economists, their research and development in the economic theory, always in certain fundamental assumptions. In a sense, the theory of economics (generally) is in some fundamental assumption precondition, with certain method, with certain categories of its study object, and the content of this system and. Therefore, the economic theory as the theoretical logic and on the Cheap Coach Handbags basic hypothesis analysis starting point for the scientific decision theory, conviction, and even vitality. [1] say, economic assumption is the footstone of economic theory, the development of economic theory is often the first economic assumptions and rich or modified. In economics, the premise is the most basic assumptions about human nature hypothesis, "agent" hypothesis. On the assumption that the different Cheap Coach Bags attitudes, formed the mainstream economics school and the mainstream economics schools.A, "agent" hypothesis"The economic man" is the theory of economic history of the oldest and most basic personality. In the theory of economic history of Adam Smith, the hypothesis of "economic man", first as his immortal masterpiece of national nature and causes of the wealth of the study of the Cheap Coach Purses main theoretical premise, he said: "everybody to make its production can reach the highest value of... he usually neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows he is to what extent promote that he was thinking of his own safety; because his way of management aims to make its production can maximize the value of things, he is his
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